We are proud that many of our clients have been able to achieve HMRC’s AEO accreditation as a result of their work with us, improving the efficiency, accuracy and fail-safe compliance of the customs duty function. This accreditation allows businesses to protect and enhance their reputation and attract collaboration with other like-minded organisations.
What Our Clients Say About Us

Komatsu UK Ltd
“Barbourne Brook has provided customs advice on many occasions, always demonstrating deep knowledge of the subject coupled with innovative ideas to help the business mitigate its duty liabilities.”
Stuart Reid, Finance Director
Ensinger Group Ltd
“Barbourne Brook delivered customs advice which we found insightful and very educational. I would not hesitate to recommend Barbourne Brook to other companies.”
James Cole, Finance Director
VBR Turbine Partners B.V.
“Barbourne Brook support our UK and EU business in a very professional and diligent manner, and was available a a moment’s notice to give advice and run with whatever was thrown at them, many times under extreme pressure and deadlines.”
John Fletcher, General Manager
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) is an internationally recognised badge of trading excellence
With AEO status your business is seen globally as a reliable link in the supply chain, helping you to gain the trust of suppliers, customers, and partners. AEO is granted by the customs authorities (HMRC in the UK) once a business can demonstrate that it has robust systems, processes and procedures in place to manage and control its customs compliance obligations, supply chains security, or both.
The process of obtaining accreditation can be lengthy and complex, however, there are many benefits to achieving AEO making it invaluable to the reputation of your business.
What Are The Benefits Of Gaining AEO Accreditation?
There are two different kinds of AEO status, each bringing different benefits. Businesses can apply for one or both of these.
Authorised Economic Operator
Customs Simplification
The first is Authorised Economic Operator Customs Simplification.
If you hold this status and are based in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), you could benefit from:
- A faster application process for customs simplifications and authorisations.
- A lower risk score which may reduce the number of checks customs carry out on your documents and goods.
- A guarantee waiver up to the level of your deferment account.
Authorised Economic Operator
Security and Safety
The second is Authorised Economic Operator Security and Safety.
If you hold this status, you could benefit from:
- A lower risk score which may reduce the number of checks customs carry out on your documents and goods.
- Your consignments receiving priority treatment for customs controls.
- Reduced declaration requirements for entry summary declarations and exit summary declarations.
- Reciprocal arrangements and mutual recognition.
Businesses can apply for customs simplification or security and safety, or you can apply for both.
Where both are held, it is often referred to as a
Full AEO Status.
Are Your Customs Procedures Compliant?
Mutual Recognition Arrangements
Businesses who have Authorised Economic Operator Security and Safety status can Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) with other customs authorities. The benefits of MRAs can include:
- Faster clearance at the frontier.
- Less interventions.
- Lower risk scores.
What is Required for AEO Accreditation?
HMRC will carry out various checks and an audit on the business to make a decision on your application. This covers:
- Tax and customs compliance.
- Customs record keeping.
- Proven financial solvency.
- Practical standards of competence or professional qualifications.
- Security and safety.
Understanding the Task Involved With Submitting an AEO Application
Customs obligations are often split between multiple departments. Finance typically manages the relationship with HMRC, taking the lead in managing compliance audits. Purchasing sets up supplier contracts whose content impacts the customs value. Logistics deals with the freight agents to get customs declarations made.
This often leads to a disjointed approach where departments evolve in separate directions. This can make gathering all the information challenging, and no one department naturally takes the lead.
Working with Barbourne Brook towards AEO accreditation?
Although gathering all the information for an AEO application and facing a HMRC audit can seem like a daunting and unwieldy process, our partnership with you will ensure that all the necessary information is pulled together in an organised and methodical way, with minimal impact on your regular operations.
At Barbourne Brook we have 98 collective years of experience, which we have used to formulate a tried and tested methodology for obtaining AEO status. This will deliver the complete project in the most efficient way whilst voiding the common pitfalls. We can assist in a supporting capacity or offer a fully project managed solution to your AEO journey.
Our Services
Our experts can assist with all aspects of AEO applications including:
- AEO support and guidance.
- Project managed “turn-key” solution for AEO status.
- Independent audit of your existing AEO.
- Assisting with standard operating procedures (SOP).
- Regular sampling of customs transactions to ensure ongoing compliance with AEO.
- Ongoing support and ad hoc advice.
The Application Process
Completion of AEO application form is complex and time consuming task in itself, however building the relevant documentation, systems and controls takes the process to another level. An application will trigger an audit, so it is prudent to have your house in order before you submit an application.
At Barbourne Brook we call this the Customs Landscape project, which is a deep dive into your customs sphere to uncover any risks and opportunities that may be within the current structure. This project can also be used as a gap analysis showing where you are now against where you need to be for AEO purposes. At this stage, you can assess how much work is involved and how much support you will need. Any issues can be fixed before you progress with AEO and have the customs authorities audit.
Contact Us
How can we help?
We are on-hand to help with all of your customs need. Provide us with some details on your circumstances and one of our friendly experts will be in touch to provide support and advice.